Monday, 13 December 2010

Project Outline

Leonardo da Vinci: 2007-2013

Project Outline Form for Transfer of Innovation (TOI)

1. Project Overview

Please briefly summarise what you will set out to achieve (aims and objectives), who the key target groups and main results are and describe how the project fits into the Leonardo programme and the TOI measure.


This project developed in collaboration with Liverpool Vision (Liverpool City Council) will aim to provide an innovative approach to supporting, managing and developing urban agricultural spaces within regeneration areas of our cities, using innovative web technologies, experience-based learning, interactive sessions and workshops. With this project we are looking at the adaptation and use of existing urban spaces to provide food and employment for inner city areas.

Specific aims of the project are to develop, research best practice, test, evaluate the impact, improve and disseminate and exploit innovative approaches to targeted support, training and development of agricultural spaces within urban environments.

The project will provide specific support and training for people working within this arena including those responsible for regeneration, town planners, architects and local government officers.

The project will use the methodologies from a previous Leonardo Life Long Learning project UK/06/B/F/PP-162_514 VIC Virtual Incubator for the Creative Industries. (

2. Please select the European Priority you are applying under

European Priority

Please indicate which you have chosen:

European Priority 1 Encouragement and cooperation between VET and the world of work

European Priority 2 Support to initial and continuous training of VET teachers, trainers, tutors and VET institution managers

European Priority 3 Promotion of the acquisition of key competences in VET

European Priority 4 Development and transfer of mobility strategies in VET (New in 2011)

European Priority 5 ECVET for transparency and recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications

European Priority 6 Improving quality assurance systems in VET

If you have selected Priority 4, please describe the experience you have of Leonardo Mobility projects and/or experience in developing relevant tools, concepts and models of mobility in VET:

3. Why are you proposing this project?

Please describe the rationale behind the project and provide details of what is innovative about this project and why is it needed in the partner countries.

Although there are several initiatives across the World that seek to promote community agriculture efforts and increased access to locally grown food there is a definite need to address the management and development of these initiatives within the EU including:

Traditional education and training environments are not geared up to dealing with these community activities.

Ethical, cultural and faith needs have not been fully considered.

The challenges with providing flexible and multi-use urban spaces for food production.

This project will address the issues above and alleviate the lack of understanding to the needs and requirements of the development and management of an urban food ‘industry’.

“AGRI-SPACES” will support those from urban communities that see urban food production as an integral part of regeneration of cities, that is, those wishing to develop innovative ways of managing urban agricultural initiatives, in addition, architects and planners that work in association with those communities including local government and NGOs. It will be developed as a best practice model with the specific focus on developing urban environments conducive to success within these communities. This will allow the “AGRI-SPACES” project to be developed, to be flexible in its design and implementation and allow it in addition, to be adapted to a wide range of intercultural dialogue activities.

4. What will be the results?

Please provide details of the main results of the project, including the relevance of the products to the target group and its expected impact.

The project will provide specific support and training for people working within this arena including those responsible for regeneration, town planners, architects and local government officers. Three key modules for the project will be:

1. content development

2. online environment and collaborative communication tools development

3. Training programme/framework

The content will include: Virtual Support, Mentoring, Networking and Collaborative Working, ethical and cultural implications, sustainable communities, equality of opportunity and inclusion issues and a training programme covering generic and specific support.

Tangible Outcomes.

1. project e-Newsletter

2. collaborative online communication facility

3. project management handbook

4. content management driven, online project dissemination and information sharing environment

5. virtual support environment

6. individual guidance and mentoring

7. training framework

8. support material inc: support content, Training material, Assessment tools, QA tools

9. valorisation web site

10. end of project regional ‘mini’ conference/workshops

5. Who will be involved?

Please provide details of partners’ organisations, countries they come from and their roles and expertise in relation to the project.

Liverpool CC

Liverpool Vision is the regeneration department of Liverpool City Council and will provide the expertise on urban development and best practice from pilot project initiatives UK


A social enterprise that has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in transnational projects. They will be responsible for the management of the TOI UK


Friends of the Earth Malta

They will provide expertise in working with immigrant communities on a range of projects, particularly in the Mediteranian region with a focus on climate change and training MA

Selcuk University (Cumra Higher Educational College)

A university agricultural department with expertise in small scale agricultural projects and also sustainable and ethical farming T


A town Chamber of Commerce that is in an agricultural area and can bring to the project their expertise of working with small scale farming initiatives T

Velt vzw and Ecopower

Organisations that work on enviromental and sustainable projects with particular knowledge of alternative energy and small scale urban projects B

Groundwork Trust, Merseyside

A national organisation that works with environmental project that can bring to the project a wealth on knowledge on sustainable regeneration. UK

6. National Priorities

If relevant, please select the national priority your proposal will address. Please note that applications addressing national priorities may be allocated up to 15 additional points during the assessment process.

National Priority

Please indicate which you have chosen:

National Priority 1 Applications from organisations that have not previously received Leonardo TOI funding

National Priority 2 Applications which primarily target participants who are facing particular difficulties in accessing training and/or the labour market*

National Priority 3 Applications which promote the transfer and recognition of competences and qualifications

7. How will this project be carried out?

Please provide information regarding the key activities of the project, including arrangements for management of the partners, monitoring, evaluation and dissemination and exploitation.

The contractor and coordinator Pacificstream and Liverpool City Council will have the overall responsibility of managing the project. They are familiar with Prince 2 and the identified project manger is Prince 2 accredited.

A communication platform using Basecamp/Projects will provide the on-line management of the project. Basecamp will also be the main repository for all the documents and records, including financial records and contracts. This platform will only be accessible to the contracted consortium.

Using new technologies the consortium and associates will be able to communicate regularly. Six general meetings will be held during the project, spaced at regular intervals. Smaller specialist group work meetings may be held if required. An overall management team will be formed from the consortium and separate, dissemination, content and quality groups will be set up to monitor and drive these aspects of the project.

An on-line technical adminstrative handbook will be produced for all the consortium. This will be updated when necessary.

The database will have two levels; one for the consortium and associates and the other for dissemination purposes that will include stakeholders, agencies, academic and training institutions etc.

The project web site will be designed and managed by the contractor but is expected that all the consortium will contribute. The web site will be constructed as CMS web site so that it is easy for everyone to post articles, news etc via a template

The project will be developed around the following WPs:

WP1 Project Management

WP2 Project evaluation and quality assurance

WP3 Dissemination and Exploitation

WP4 Research and Review

WP5 Development of Methodologies and approach

WP6 Development of tools and adaption of content

WP7 Training design

WP8 Implementation and impact

8. What is the budget for this project?

Please provide details of the proposed total budget for the project and the breakdown of the budget per partner.

*This could include the following groups: those with special needs, older learners, groups facing socio-economic disadvantage, those with few or no formal qualifications, looked after children, travellers, refugees, migrant workers and the children of migrants, those with disabilities, minority ethnic groups, individuals living in rural or deprived inner city areas, those unemployed, prisoners (TOI only) and ex-offenders.

Please return your completed form to the Leonardo UK National Agency by emailing or faxing 0121 616 3779.

The TOI team will contact you to arrange a feedback session.

For further assistance please contact the Leonardo Helpline on 0845 199 2929. For the latest news and information on the Leonardo programme please visit our website

The Leonardo UK National Agency may wish to use your information to send your details of other Lifelong Learning activities, services and events which you may find of interest.

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