Monday, 14 November 2011

Hello world!

Ross Dalziel

"I'm an artist in Liverpool influenced by the 'internet of things' which is about connecting real world objects and activity to the internet ; I'm interested in how technology can work with growing and growing can help technology. Agriculture is the oldest technology after all. Im also interested in making information and technology more open through open source software and hardware and am currently organising a festival of open source culture in 2012 in Liverpool. I like the idea of a permaculture of natural technology and of making food production open source and DIY. To borrow terms from software, we should be not just food 'users' but food 'developers' or 'admins'

I also like cooking vegetables from my wife's allotment. Im not a good gardener as i cant dig any more because of a disability so technology and cooking is my way in ;)"

Look out for more profiles from the rest of the Agri spaces group....(with better pictures hopefully!!)

Im really inspired by the work done here

Ive been working on this recently with the excellent artist Ticky Lowe

@cheapjack on twitter

Wednesday, 2 November 2011



Agri Spaces

1st Agri Spaces Meeting – Liverpool UK

8th – 11th December 2011

Thursday 8th December
Partners arrive

Friday 9th December

Time Activity
10.00- Introductions – presentations from the partners , 10 – 15 mins each
10.45 Coffee
11.15 Confirming the programme/project.
12.30-14.30 Lunch
Parallel sessions 1 Management details on revised visits and roles/tasks
2 Workshop/seminar for the trainees
16.00 Tea Break
16:30 - End of day discussion
17:00 -20.00 Free time
20.00 Dinner Chinese Resturant

Saturday 10th December
Time Activity
10.00 Workshop/seminar
11.00 Coffee
11.30 Continuation of workshops and discussions
12.30 Plenary session and next steps
13.00-14.00 Light lunch approx.

14.00-site visit
17.00-20.00 Free time
20.00-late Dinner Italian Resturant , Live Music & Dancing

Sunday 11th December
Partners leave
(Or for those leaving later the option of a sightseeing trip or shopping trip)

Liverpool Meeting Travel – Airport transportation – Accommodation

1st Agri Spaces Meeting – Liverpool UK

8th – 11th December 2011
Travel – Airport transportation – Accommodation

Our office:
29 Parliament Street
Liverpool L8 5RN
Telephone: +44 (0)151 329 2121
We are a short walk from the city centre it will take approx. 15
Venue: (to be confirmed)
Contemporary Urban Centre
Greenland Street
Liverpool L1 0BS
This is in the same building (but the other side)

I suggest you go to for information on hotels in
Liverpool. Please book soon as hotel accommodation in Liverpool is quickly booked up. It is not worth getting group rates. As you may know hotel accommodation in the UK is expensive (or expensive for what it is!)
Try one of the following:
Campanile Hotel*
Jurys Inn*
Express by Holiday Inn Liverpool Albert Dock*
Hilton by Hampton (City not airport)*
Ibis Hotel*
Liverpool City Centre Travel Inn*
Premier Travel Inn Albert Dock*
*all near the office/venue

Liverpool John Lennon Airport ( now serves many
European cities and covers the budget airlines and KLM for flights via Amsterdam. This is the most convenient airport for Liverpool and there is an airport bus into the city centre every 30 minutes.
Manchester Airport is approx. 30 miles away and there is a direct train service to
Liverpool Lime Street Station, Liverpool ( and takes
approx. 1 hour 10 minutes.
NB. Avoid coming via London as it is very expensive to travel by train from London and not easy.

Further information about Liverpool can be found at

The weather could be cold (but not freezing) and damp (it rains a lot on the North West coast!)

Roy Jones mobile:
07974 432 937

Agri-Spaces-Approaces to urban culture 2011-2013

Agri-Spaces-Approaces to urban culture 2011-2013

Saturday, October 8th, 2011

Societatea de geografie din Romania Filiala Suceava a dat de curand startul proiectului GRU-11-P-LP-229-SV-UK cu titlul AGRI-SPACES-APPROACHES TO URBAN CULTURE, ce se va derula in perioada 2011/2013, finantat de Comisia Europeana prin Programul Life Long learning si care vizează crearea unei reţele între diverse organizaţii atit la nivel local, national cat si la nivel european care să dezvolte managementul necesar agriculturii urbane, îmbunătăţirii mediulu de afaceri în domeniu, să identifice mijloace şi instrumente necesare comunităţii locale in acelasi timp.

Coordonatorul proiectului este Organizatia PacificStream ENTERPRISE SOULUTIONS C.I.C.din Liverpool U.K si mai avem ca parteneri Organizatiiile Tauragės verslo informacinis centras din Lituania si Liverpool Vision Limited U.K.

In aceasta etapa am stabilit echipele de proiect, am pregatit prezentarea fiecarei organizatii cu elementele de identificare specifice, am incheiat parteneriate cu institutii din orizontul local, am conturat deja o retea internationala pe facebook si blogul proiectului, care se va dezvolta in viitor.
Acest proiect este o mare oportunitate pentru noi de a crea acea conexiune absolut necesara unei dezvoltari durabile intre institutiile de educatie, cercerare stiintifica si mediul de afaceri care sa contribuie la identificarea unor solutii reale de progres economic a orizontului local pe baza unor experiente si exemple de buna practica la nivel european.

Mai multe informatii despre acest proiect puteti afla accesand :

Daca doriti sa colaborati sau sa beneficiati de rezultatele acestui proiect, veniti alaturi de noi pe facebook la adresa sau pe pagina web care va contine toate rezultatele proietului